Monday Medley … Or Muddle?

This is awkward. Here I’ve found a bushel of Monday-themed music to post, even ‘Welcome to the Working Week’. And then it kicked in … Linda, this is Labor Day, not just another Monday! I did know that, yet it somehow slipped my so-called mind for a while. Though like most of our holidays it’s far more of a cheap political gesture, and a handy prop to help sell us more shlock we don’t need. As I understand it, Labor Day was intended from the beginning to appease widespread unhappiness and unrest among working people, to forestall European-style “radical” revolt against Gilded-Age oppression. It also gave the bosses and their tame politicians a chance to show up at company picnics and say how great ordinary americans were, the backbone of the nation, the salt of the earth, blah-blah-blah. And of course to extol the value and dignity of hard work. Never mind, that’s another rant.

So now what do I do? Wait for next Monday to continue my lame music series? Nah … I’ll just add a Labor Day song to the mix. Funny thing though, I couldn’t find any good ones. Ah, but I know several about work and the working class, they’ll do. Isn’t that what Mondays are for, getting on with the job?


About l. l. frederick

I'm pretty ordinary, so I find any number of things in the world interesting, among them: books, music, flowers, food, social justice, politics and (sometimes!) people. As for my writing, I've decided that I can be subtle and tasteful when our only problems are esthetic ones. Or when I'm dead, whichever comes first. In the meantime, read at your own risk.
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4 Responses to Monday Medley … Or Muddle?

  1. I liked them all! Some of these, I have! You’re on a roll Linda! And yes, ‘getting on with the job’ for those of us who got one, that is. I just read that another ‘Trump’ casino is closing in Atlantic City in October and putting 3,000 folks in the unemployment line so I am pretty sure that those folks need a ‘pick me up’ today. I sure hope this helps!

    Thanks Linda!

    • Thanks Shelby! Yes, you’ve gotta love the irony, the cynicism, and the shameless chutzpah of Labor Day layoffs and sackings. Our benevolent corporate capitalist elites don’t seem to have much use for us these days, if we can’t and don’t buy a new smart phone twice a year. And unless we’re willing and eager to slave and starve for them, and gush our gratitude for the unmeritedd opportunity to do so!

      And yet we’re still preached at for lacking a proper work ethic! My uncle’s right-wing radio just told me so last week, as the oily host mourned that so many millions of us will never know the pride and spiritual uplift of proper jobs. Because we’re all stupid and lazy and inadequate, and we’ve been trained to rely on the government by those no-good socialists or somebody. Not because we live in a fucked-up system that degrades and exploits us at every turn!

      Okay … I’m over it. Like hell, what the hell for? Time I get back to work, and thanks for your kind comments, and for helping me rebuild my entirely appropriate outrage. – Linda

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